Wildfires: How to cope when smoke affects air quality and health

As wildfires become more frequent due to climate change and drier conditions, more of us and more of our communities are at risk for harm. Here is information to help you prepare and protect yourself and your family. How does wildfire smoke affect air quality? Wildfire smoke contributes greatly to poor air quality. Just like […]

Hot weather hikes: Staying safe when temperatures spike

Summer is an ideal time to take a hike, especially if you have the opportunity to explore one of our country’s many state and national parks. But if you venture far from home, it’s essential to make sure you’re prepared for the local climate and other conditions you may encounter on the trail, especially if […]

Health warnings on exercise equipment: Should you worry?

There are warnings just about everywhere you look: The coffee you're about to drink is hot! Construction ahead! This product may contain peanuts! In many cases, the reasons for these warnings are clear. But sometimes warnings raise more questions than they answer. When I was at the gym recently, these warnings on the exercise bike […]

Respiratory health harms often follow flooding: Taking these steps can help

Heavy rains and sea level rise contribute to major flooding events that are one effect of climate change. Surging water rushing into buildings often causes immediate harms, such as drowning deaths, injuries sustained while seeking shelter or fleeing, and hypothermia after exposure to cold waters with no shelter or heat. But long after news trucks […]

Can a multivitamin improve your memory?

We’re bombarded with advertisements that tout all sorts of health benefits for vitamins and supplements, including improved memory. A May 2023 study of older adults suggests that a daily multivitamin can do just that — improve your memory enough such that it can function as if you were three years younger. So, should you take […]

Think fast: How does your face protect you?

Your face plays an outsized role in your interactions with the world. It’s usually the first thing a person notices when they look at you. It’s home to the eyes, nose, and mouth, vital body parts that allow you to eat, drink, and communicate. But our facial features are also engineered for their own self-protection […]

Orienteering: Great exercise and better thinking skills?

Picture this: you’re with friends in an unfamiliar forest using only a map and a compass to guide you to an upcoming checkpoint. There are no cell phones or GPS gadgets to help, just good old brainpower fueled by a sense of adventure as you wind through leafy trees and dappled sunlight. This is not […]

Ringworm: What to know and do

The first thing to know about ringworm is that there are no worms involved. This generally harmless skin infection is caused by a fungus. The fungus causes a raised rash usually shaped like a ring, almost as if a worm was curled up under the skin (but again: no worms are involved). The medical name […]

Mud runs: Dirty, challenging, next-level fun

Remember childhood summers when you climbed monkey bars, swung from ropes, and jumped over streams? Rain just added to the fun, leaving you soaked and muddy. You can relive those adventures by signing up for a mud run. These outdoor team events focus on navigating through military-inspired obstacle courses and getting good and dirty in […]

Denial: How it hurts, how it helps, and how to cope

At some point in life, everyone experiences denial, a natural response when you’re unable or unwilling to face the facts. Denial is not always a bad thing. But it might be easier to recognize in others than in yourself. “It’s hard to look at your own life and take a good inventory of what’s going […]